I took this shot at rush hour on the Green Line going in the direction of Boston College, or known as the B-Line. The B-Line goes underground when downtown but at Kenmore Square becomes a street-level trolley car. The B-Line travels the length of Commonwealth Avenue where both Boston University and Boston College are located and is, therefore, often very crowded.
This looks like the inside of trolleys in Belgrade! (always very crowded)
Oh this brings back lovely memories :)
I used to take the red line every day to work and remember having to physically push myself into those crowded cars.
You've captured the atmosphere perfectly.
I don't know what kind of camera you're using but mine's a little obvious and I didn't feel comfortable photographing people in that situation. Great portrait.
I use a very tiny Pentax.
Such an Image just makes me feel alive and happy on not being one of you guys in there...like sardines on a morning train!! The tiny pemntax helped not to distract anyone, perfectly captiured!!!
Reminds me why I never liked travelling on the London undergorund.
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